VK vs. Periscope

VK is a very dynamic social media platform. Not only does it have characteristics of Facebook but also Periscope. Periscope is live video sharing social media platform where you can create and share videos with others. VK is known for its video sharing features and tends to be more of their most used tools. There are a few major differences between the two platforms which will prove to be a testament to why VK is so popular in its region. Periscope is broader and viewers could see posts from all over. One day my boss who is over 40 years old told me that he was scrolling on Periscope and saw my Georgia Greek Step Show being featured. At the time I was very confused because I had no idea what Periscope was and more importantly how he was able to view it. Periscope is more focused on reaching the largest amount of people possible. On the other hand, “VK is largely focused on sharing audio and video files between friends”. They thrive off having a more intimate and personal approach to streaming. They want individuals to actually feel connected with their posts. A lot of Individuals on VK actually use the platform to form real life friendships and relationships with others, similar to a dating site. While social media sites that are popular in North America don’t have that intimate appeal. This is really a comparison between Personal vs. Impersonal. VK doesn’t allow you to block other users largely because it is not as necessary to do so. A Russian site for Russian people. Vk’s user friendly interface attracts younger users. A large majority of their VK’s users are under the age of thirty which is a very unique trend for a social media site. A lot of individuals are also attracted to their lacks Piracy policies which allows them to view illegal content unlike Periscope. Marketing wise their reach is far less than periscope because they are more focused on user experience.